Thursday, April 28, 2005

Every now and again, I'm reminded just how many people live in this country. Of late, I've been noticing how many are employed doing the most inefficient things.

Take for instance, this Shell station. First, this thing was built in a matter of roughly 2.5 weeks, which is a testament to the manpower they could employ quickly. Second, you'll notice a ton of people at the station but only one car... that's because almost everyone else in this picture is an attendant! There are about 12 people on staff 24x7, including the guy to the lower left who motions cars in with his light-up wand as if they're taxiing aircraft, two guys who handle the fueling, and one guy who mans the little stop sign and tells you how far to pull forward. It's like an F1 pit crew!

Oh, and if you're wondering, gas is roughly 40 rupees per liter -- or $3.45 a gallon -- including taxes of 35%. Let me put this is perspective... PPP shows that this would be like Americans having to pay $13.27 a gallon. Think about that the next time you're griping at the pump!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cheap labor - people are employed! That's why you see so many people everywhere!

6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it true that driving distances are shorter in India? Maybe that's why you can get away with higher prices. Sort of like how the prices for gas are higher in Hawaii as compared to California.

10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why you'll never see a vending machine, but you might see an attended fountain pop machine

1:38 AM  

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